
General Questions

What is ACATS?

The Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS) is the National Securities Clearing Corporation's (NSCC) central processing system for the transfer of positions and accounts between US brokerage firms that are participants in the NSCC's ACATS program.The ACATS system allows you to enter a partial or full transfer request online to move positions and or cash from other ACATS participant firms.More information on ACATS transfers can be found in our Users' Guide.

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Funds & Banking

How do I transfer positions out of MEXEM via ACATS?

To transfer your ACATS positions out of MEXEM, you need to contact the receiving broker and initiate the transfer through them. MEXEM does not charge for ACATS transfers, but there may be fees imposed by the sending or receiving firm. Please consult with your broker to determine if any fees apply.

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