

Where can I find my actual cash balances in TWS?

In order to see how much cash is in your account, click on the Account menu option in TWS followed by Account Window. Scroll down to the section titled Market Value - Real FX Balance...

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How do I close a currency balance in TWS?

To convert non-base currency balances in TWS, go to Account Window, right-click on the balance, and choose "Close Currency Balance" or "Close All Non-base Currency Balances." Use limit orders to avoid rejections. If no direct pair, use a common currency. MEXEM converts small balances upon account closure. In MEXEM Mobile, use Convert Currency feature. Note: Currency balances may not match Virtual FX Positions.

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Fees & Interest

Am I currently using margin?

Investing on margin means borrowing funds to open a position. If an account's overall cash balance is negative, it indicates a loan subject to interest fees. Despite a positive overall balance, there could still be a loan due to balance netting or timing differences. For more info, check the MEXEM Knowledge Base article on identifying borrowed funds.

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