
Getting Started

Why should I open an account with MEXEM?

There are many reasons to open an account with MEXEM including our innovative trading technology, low cost, global access, and financial strength and security.The MEXEM Universal Account is an Integrated Investment Management account that lets you invest around the world.

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How do I open Risk Navigator in TWS?

In Mosaic, open Risk Navigator by clicking New Window and selecting Risk Navigator. In Classic TWS, open Risk Navigator by clicking Analytical Tools and selecting Risk Navigator. Choose "My Portfolio" to view your current portfolio or "New What-If" to create a new scenario. For more information, watch our Short Videos or refer to the Users' Guide.

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Getting Started

How do I add India trading permissions?

Trading on the National Stock Exchange of India is only for Indian residents and Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) via an IB India account. To open an account, visit the MEXEM India website and select "OPEN ACCOUNT" to start the application for your desired account type.

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