

How do I activate trading permissions?

To activate trading permits you should login to account, go to settings, click trading permits.

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Why would I submit an FX transaction to the FXCONV destination?

If you don't need average cost or P&L tracking for your currency trades, route orders to FXCONV. Orders via FXCONV don't affect Virtual FX Positions or P&L in your trading platforms. However, IDEALPRO orders do influence these. All MEXEM currency trades, whether through FXCONV or IDEALPRO, involve currency conversions and don't affect Activity Statements' P&L. Only TWS allows FXCONV selection, while other platforms use IDEALPRO.

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Why was my order rejected for no trading permissions when I have permisissions for ETFs?

EEA retail investors' orders for products not complying with the EU's PRIIPS regulation will be rejected. PRIIPS requires a Key Information Document (KID) for products like derivatives, ETFs, ETNs, and certain funds. Stocks, standard bonds and FX are exempted. The rule doesn't apply to closing existing positions. Further permissions might be required for complex products. More details are in the IBKR Knowledge Base.

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Why is my order stuck in a "pending cancel" state?

If your cancellation request shows as Orange, it's not confirmed cancelled and may still execute. Orders submitted and cancelled when exchanges are closed will be removed post-weekend. Pending cancels during trading sessions might be system or exchange issues; contact MEXEM's Trade Issues group. Cancellation only occurs once the exchange confirms removal from the order book. Visit MEXEM Knowledge Base for more.

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Why is my FX Closing trade getting rejected due to low balance?

Cash accounts must cover costs of positions and can't have a negative balance. Market orders include an extra 5% to account for price uncertainty. If you receive a rejection despite having sufficient funds, try a Limit order or reduce the Market order size. For foreign securities, perform a currency conversion and wait for settlement. Visit the MEXEM Knowledge Base for more details.

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Why is my Buying Power zero when I have positive Excess Liquidity?

MEXEM applies House margins to Initial margin requirements. Positions with higher Initial than Maintenance margins could result in negative Available Funds but positive Excess Liquidity. When Available Funds are negative, margin-increasing orders are prohibited. Actual Buying Power depends on your account type and traded products. For more details on Buying Power, refer to the MEXEM Knowledge Base.

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Why do I see a delayed market data quote?

Market data vendors offer real-time and delayed exchange data. Real-time data is immediate, while delayed data lags 10-20 minutes and may be free. Having no real-time data subscription doesn't affect order executions. U.S. stocks' delayed quotes aren't available due to FINRA regulations.

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Why do I get the message "Transactions in this instrument are limited to closing-only trades" when I try to buy certain stocks?

Certain conditions can change a product's status from freely tradable to restricted, such as changes in a stock's listing or clearing status. In such cases, MEXEM allows clients to close existing positions but won't accept orders to open or increase positions.

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Why did MEXEM liquidate some of my positions without first notifying me?

MEXEM doesn't make margin calls and implements real-time liquidations for margin deficiencies. It attempts to notify about deficiencies, but swift market movements can prevent this. Check your Excess Liquidity and SMA to ensure margin compliance. Further margin information is available on MEXEM's website and TWS Users' Guide.

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Why can't I convert my AUD cash to other currencies?

MEXEM Australia supports balances in AUD, USD, EUR, and GBP. Trades in unsupported currencies are permitted but immediately converted to your base currency. Balances in non-supported currencies are also converted into your base currency. For more information, refer to the MEXEM Knowledge Base.

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Why can't I use my cash after selling my stock in a Cash account?

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Why am I unable to trade Norwegian Stock?

MEXEM doesn't offer direct trading on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE), but many OSE-listed stocks are tradable on the OMXNO exchange through Trader Workstation or MEXEM Mobile. Norwegian residents can't trade Norwegian securities due to administrative restrictions.

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Why am I no longer receiving live market data?

If you're only receiving delayed market data, check if you're logged into another device. Ensure your account balance is above thresholds for real-time data. Refresh your data connection with Ctrl + Alt + F. If these aren't the issue, contact MEXEM for further assistance.

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Where can I see my trades in TWS?

Use the Trade Log in Mosaic or Classic TWS to view up to seven days of trades, including details like commissions and fill prices. Today's trades can also be seen in Mosaic's Activity tile. Trades older than seven days are in your Activity Statements.

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Where can I see my realized P&L?

To view Realized and Unrealized performance, log into Client Portal/Account Management, select Reports, then Statements. In the Default Statements panel, select Activity for the desired period. For more details, consult the Reporting Guide.

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When will my trades settle?

Forex and Stock trades settle on the second business day (T+2) post-sale, while securities option, index option, future, future option, US Government bond, and USD. CAD Forex pair trades settle the next business day (T+1). Check settlement dates in your Trade Confirmation Report.

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Where can I find SPX weekly options?

In TWS OptionTrader or TWS/Mosaic Option Chains, select SPXW as the Trading Class from the drop-down menu. This displays SPXW Weekly options. Find more weekly expiries under the 'More' tab. Refer to the Users' Guide for more information.

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Where can I find my actual cash balances in TWS?

In order to see how much cash is in your account, click on the Account menu option in TWS followed by Account Window. Scroll down to the section titled Market Value - Real FX Balance...

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Where can I find information on margin and margin requirements?

Margin requirements dictate borrowing terms, required deposits, and account equity levels. Failure to meet these could lead to asset liquidation. These requirements depend on your legal residence, exchange, and trade product. Visit the MEXEM website's Margin Trading page, Margin Requirement Wizard, and Margin Education Center for more information.

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Where can I find historical data?

The best place to find historical data is in Trader Workstation via a chart or the Time & Sales tool. In TWS, right click on the stock you wish to get historical data for...

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Where can I find analytical tools in TWS?

Analytical Tools can be found in our Trader Workstation platform. If using the Mosaic layout, you can find the various Analytical Tools that we provide by clicking the blue New Window button in the top left corner. Scroll through the list of tools, or, if you know what you're looking for, start by typing a tool name or feature to get a quick list...

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When does the Intraday margin for futures change to Overnight margin?

Margin accounts with lower Intraday futures margins have higher Overnight margins, applicable 15 minutes before the end of Regular Trading Hours. Track "Look Ahead Available Funds" and "Look Ahead Next Change" in your Account Window. Cash and IRA accounts don't have Intraday margin rates. Volatility may alter Intraday margins.

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What products or trading permissions may I have with my RSP/TFSA account?

Margin trading is not allowed in TFSA/RSP accounts. Purchases must be fully paid in the product's currency. No debit balances are permitted. Only cash balances in CAD and USD can be used. Qualified investments include certain stocks, options, indices, warrants, and rights. FX conversions are limited to USD and CAD. More info on our website.

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What is the ticker for DAX futures?

DAX is the ticker symbol for DAX futures. After entering the ticker select Futures and choose multiplier 5 for Mini-DAX, or 25 for DAX futures...

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What is the Mark-to-Market calculation method and how does it work?

Mark-to-Market (MTM) calculates profit or loss regardless of open or closed positions. It assumes daily settlement and new positions each day. MTM P/L = Position MTM + Transaction MTM - Commissions. More details in our Knowledge Base and Reporting Guide.

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What is the ticker for E-mini S&P 500 futures?

ES is the ticker symbol for S&P 500 futures. After entering the ticker select Futures followed by the contract month.Customers might search the IBKR contract database through our website under the Products menu followed by Contract Search.

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What is the point of the FX Portfolio - Virtual FX Positions section of the Account Window?

The FX Portfolio in the Account window tracks currency trades for FX traders. Virtual FX Positions show average cost and running P&L, but don't reflect actual cash balance. Right-click to adjust position value. For real-time currency balances, check Total Cash in the Market Value section. Use FXCONV to avoid currency conversions.

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What is the FXTrader?

FXTrader is an optimized interface by MEXEM for forex trading. Price display highlights bid/ask and shows price movement in green (up) or orange (down). Each currency pair has its own cell for trading. Order, trade, and portfolio info shown on top. Visit TWS Users' Guide for help.

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What is the difference between Excess Liquidity and Available Funds?

Excess Liquidity = Equity with Loan Value - Maintenance Margin. Available Funds = Equity with Loan Value - Initial Margin. Negative excess liquidity may trigger liquidation. Watch MEXEM's Short Video for real-time margin monitoring and check the Knowledge Base for margin definitions.

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What is the difference between real time and snapshot quotes?

Snapshot quotes provide an "Instantaneous" quote and will not stream on your trading platform. Real time quotes provide a constant stream of live, updated quotes on your trading platform...

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What is the difference between a Stop order and a Stop Limit order?

Stop order (STP): Designate Stop Price, triggers market order when hit. Stop Limit order (STP LMT): Designate Stop Price and Limit Price, triggers limit order at designated price. More info on website. Details on stop orders in Knowledge Base.

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What is the definition of a "Potential Pattern Day Trader"?

"Potential pattern day trader" error occurs when an account has less than $25,000 and has used all available day trades within 5 days. No new trades allowed until the 5-day period ends. The restriction cannot be overridden. More info on PDT rules on the MEXEM website.

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What is the contract size of spot gold and spot silver?

MEXEMSpot Gold (XAUUSD) and MEXEM Spot Silver (XAGUSD) are traded in units of 1 troy ounce fine gold and fine silver, respectively, and are quoted vs USD.Please Note: MEXEM Spot Gold and MEXEM Spot Silver trading is available to clients who are not legal residents of the U.S., Canada, Australia, Japan or Hong Kong.

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What is meant by Current Excess Liquidity?

MTM profit/loss reflects overall profit/loss regardless of open or closed positions. MTM P/L = Position MTM + Transaction MTM - Commissions. Position MTM = (Current Closing Price - Prior Closing Price) x Prior Quantity x Multiplier. Transaction MTM = (Current Closing Price - Trade Price) x Current Quantity x Multiplier. More info in Knowledge Base and Reporting Guide.

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What is the default trigger method for my Stop order?

Default trigger method for stocks is "Last." For US options, it's "Double bid/ask." Forex cash pairs use single "bid/ask." Futures and Futures Options default to "Last." See "How to Modify the Stop Trigger Method" for more info.

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What is my "Margin Cushion"?

The Margin Cushion is Excess Liquidity divided by Net Liquidation Value. It shows how much liquidity is left before a margin violation. Add it to the TWS Trader Dashboard. In Classic TWS, click View > Trader Dashboard > Configure. Add "Cushion" under "Other" and save. Visit MEXEM Short Video and Knowledge Base for details.

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What is meant by VALUE exchange?

Assets listed on the VALUE exchange generally will be non-tradable assets. If you are holding a long position in such an asset and wish for MEXEM to remove the position from your account, please see: How do I close a worthless position?

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What is Maintenance Margin?

Maintenance Margin is the amount of funds which must be maintained in order to continue holding a position. In the U.S., the rules of the listing exchanges define the maintenance margin requirements on security transactions subject to SEC approval...

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What is meant by Equity with Loan Value?

Equity with Loan Value (ELV) forms the basis for determining whether a client has the necessary assets to either initiate or manage security positions.The ELV formula for the securities segment of the Universal Account is as follows:Cash + stock value + bond value + mutual fund value + European and Asian options value (excludes market value U.S. securities & futures options and cash maintained in futures segment).

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What is Limited Option trading permissions?

MEXEM's margin accounts can choose "Limited Option" trading permissions during application. This allows entering orders for specific option strategies. Cash accounts can't have this feature. "Limited Option" is available for IBLLC-US accounts only. Upgrading to full Option permissions later is possible, but reverting is not. Find more info in the Users' Guide.

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What is IdealPro?

MEXEM operates two settings under the Ideal Pro label, one providing spot Forex trading and currency conversions and other, spot metals trading (London gold and silver). See website for further details:ForexSpot metals

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What is Cost Basis?

Cost basis is the initial worth of an asset used to calculate capital gain or loss for tax purposes. This value may be adjusted due to factors like commissions, wash sales, or corporate events such as stock splits. Sometimes, MEXEM must provide you and the IRS with annual statements reporting the cost basis of sold securities.

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What is a Paper account?

MEXEM offers a Paper Trading account, a simulated environment with real market conditions. It allows clients to learn trading features and test strategies without risk. Access it by selecting Paper Trading in the TWS Login window. Limited access to Client Portal functions. See Users' Guide for more info on TWS login.

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What does the message "MIFIR 2 account does not have short code assigned" mean?

MiFIR II requires unique identifiers for EEA-traded products. Rejection messages are due to missing codes. Request trading permissions for MiFIR products in Client Portal. Complete required tasks or contact MEXEM Client Services for assistance. Find more info in the Knowledge Base about MiFIR products.

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What do the colors in the Order Status field mean?

Status colors are visible in both Classic and Mosaic Activity Orders layouts. For details, mouse-over order status color. If not showing, check "Show order status information" under Tooltips in Display Settings. Refer to TWS Users' Guide for more.

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What do I do if my short stock position has been delisted?

Delisted short stock stays in your account until it trades again or DTC removes shares. Dissolution timeline is uncertain. For more, see Finra's "When Trading Stops: What You Need to Know About Halts, Suspensions and Other Interruptions" and MEXEM Knowledge Base.

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What determines how much cash is Available for Withdrawal in a Cash account?

Cash accounts cannot access sale proceeds until the transaction has cleared and settled, usually after two business days. Recently deposited funds may face withdrawal restrictions. "Available For Withdrawal" reflects settlement times and deposit holds. See our website for more details on withdrawal limitations.

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What are the tickers for spot gold and spot silver?

Ticker symbols are XAUUSD for spot gold and XAGUSD for spot silver. Apply for Metals trading permissions in Client Portal/Account Management. MEXEM Spot Gold and Silver trading is unavailable for residents of the U.S., Canada, Australia, Japan, and Hong Kong.

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What are the limitations of the paper trading account?

Paper trading accounts replicate most TWS features but have limitations including no support for certain order types, limited combo and EFP trading, simulated stops, unsupported penny trading for US options, and no Mutual Fund trading. Differences may arise due to the simulator's nature. More information in our Users' Guide and Knowledge Base.

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What are the available Forex pairs?

Currently available Forex pairs can be found on the MEXEM's website by selecting the Trading menu option followed by Listings. Choose Exchange Listings followed by Global and IDEAL PRO.Additional InformationHow do I find all the available currency pairs?

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On what exchanges can I trade?

MEXEM supplies direct market entry to stocks, options, futures, forex, bonds, ETFs listed on over 120 markets in 31 countries. A listing of markets organized by geographic region is available on our website.

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What are MEXEM's Futures Close-Out Policies for futures?

Physical delivery futures can't be settled by actual delivery, except some major CME Globex currency futures. To avoid delivery, roll forward or close out positions before the Close-Out Deadline. Oil-based futures, eligible for negative prices, have mandatory closeout periods. More information is on our website.

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Is there a minimum order size?

Most MEXEM products have no minimum order size, allowing trades as low as 1 share, contract, or currency unit. Forex is defined in first currency units. Bond minimums vary, and mutual funds have a $3,000 initial minimum. Check prospectuses for more details.

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Is Ninja Trader compatible with Trader Workstation (TWS)?

The TWS Application Program Interface (API) accommodates connection to a variety of third-party vendors, including Ninja Trader, who offer complementary order entry, charting, back-testing and analytics software programs designed to expand the functionality of TWS. Please see the connection guide on the Ninja Trader website for details.

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Is market data time based or tick based?

Streaming market data quotes in the trading platforms are updated in time based snap-shot intervals, which vary by product and region. Tick by tick data can only be retrieved if using an API...

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Is live data provided for paper trading accounts?

Real-time quotes require a paid subscription and a funded account. Free demo paper trading accounts get delayed quotes. To share real-time data with your paper account, adjust settings in Client Gateway/Account Management. Changes take effect in 24 hours. If logged in simultaneously, live accounts get real-time data.

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If I have been flagged as a Pattern Day Trader, when can I begin trading again?

Accounts under $25,000 flagged as day trading by NYSE regulations are frozen for 90 days. You can close existing positions, but not initiate new ones. Unfreeze options include waiting 90 days, depositing to reach $25,000, or requesting a PDT Reset (resumes trading after 5 days).

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I have knowledge about option trading but not the required experience. Can I trade options?

Traders lacking minimum trading experience can request options trading permissions, but must pass a proficiency exam. If the session times out before exam completion, re-login to Client Gateway and submit a new request to repeat the process.

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How many lines of market data do I receive?

Clients initially receive 100 lines of real-time market data. After the first month, data allocation is determined by the higher value of monthly commissions divided by 8, equity times 100 divided by $1 million, or 100. Real-time data requires subscription. More details on our website.

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How do you calculate margin requirements on futures and futures options?

Futures options and margins use SPAN margining, a calculation algorithm set by exchanges. MEXEM may require additional margin for extreme market scenarios. You can check projected margin requirements before order submission on our platform. IRA margin rates might exceed non-IRA requirements. No Intraday margin rates for cash and IRA accounts.

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How is Buying Power determined?

Buying Power depends on the product traded and account type. For a $100,000 cash balance, buying power equals the balance in a Cash account, doubles in a Reg. T account, and can exceed six times in a Portfolio Margin account. It decreases as trades are made. More info on MEXEM's resources.

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How do you count the Day Trades?

A day trade occurs when a position in a security is opened and closed within the same trading session. A day trader executes 4 or more day trades in 5 business days. For Pattern Day Trading rules and examples, visit the MEXEM website.

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How do I trade on the Singapore Stock Exchange?

Trading permissions can be requested in Client Portal/Account Management. Due to regulations, MEXEM can't offer Singapore stocks and SGD-denominated futures on SGX to Singapore residents. No part of MEXEM's website encourages such trading. More product information is available on our website.

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How do I trade on the Shanghai Stock Exchange?

MEXEM offers different API types, including TWS API for clients with trading access, WT Web API for white-branded advisors and introducing brokers, Client Portal Web API (beta) for all clients to access the Client Portal, and 3rd party Web API for third-party vendors to connect their end users to MEXEM accounts.

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How do I trade odd lots?

To trade an odd lot, enter the desired number of shares in the Quantity field. No additional settings or configurations are required.

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How do I place a stop loss order in WebTrader?

In WebTrader, attach a Trailing Stop order to a primary order by clicking the green "+" on the left of the order line in the Order Management panel. Check the box next to "Attach Auto Trailing Stop." Enter the order parameters, review, and submit. For more details, refer to the Users' Guide on creating orders in WebTrader.

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How do I set up alerts in TWS?

To set up Alerts in the Trader Workstation, right click on the symbol you wish to set the Alert for and left click on the "Alert" bell icon in the right click menu. If you wish to create a simple Price alert, you can do so from the "Configure Price Condition" pop up window...

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How do I see whether a stock is shortable on TWS?

To enable the shortable feature in TWS, click the wrench icon in the upper right corner to open the TWS Configuration window. Scroll down to Quote Monitor and Default Layout options. Click on the Shortable column and click Add and OK. The Shortable column will now display real-time information on whether a stock is shortable, the quantity of shares available, and the borrowing cost. The colors indicate availability: Red means not available, dark green means shares will be located, and bright green means at least 1,000 shares are available. Mouse-over tooltips provide more details on shares and borrow rates.

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How do I restore my layout in TWS?

To restore your layout in TWS, go to the File menu and select Settings Recovery. Choose the date or file you want to restore and click OK. If the layout doesn't restore as expected, try selecting a different day. Restoring settings is a common troubleshooting step for resolving issues in TWS.

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How do I refresh market data in TWS?

To refresh your market data subscriptions in TWS, press Ctrl + Alt + F (Ctrl + Option + F for Mac) or reset the subscription cache in Global Configuration. If you're not subscribed to a market data package, you can subscribe through Client Portal/Account Management.

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How do I place a stop loss order in TWS?

To attach a Stop Loss order in Mosaic, expand the Advanced panel in the Order Entry panel and select Attach Stop Loss. Enter the order parameters and submit. In Classic TWS, right-click on an order management line and select Attach, then choose Stop Loss. Define the order parameters and transmit. If the order is pending, right-click on the order line in the Pending orders window, select Attach, then choose Stop Loss. Define the order parameters and transmit. Refer to our Users' Guide for more information.

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How do I open Risk Navigator in TWS?

In Mosaic, open Risk Navigator by clicking New Window and selecting Risk Navigator. In Classic TWS, open Risk Navigator by clicking Analytical Tools and selecting Risk Navigator. Choose "My Portfolio" to view your current portfolio or "New What-If" to create a new scenario. For more information, watch our Short Videos or refer to the Users' Guide.

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How do I find the Hedge Fund Marketplace?

The Hedge Fund Investor Site is accessible via Account Management > Investors' Marketplace > Find Services. Only eligible clients, such as US accredited investors and qualified purchasers (except IRAs), accredited investors and qualified purchasers outside Canada, India, and Japan, and advisors investing for eligible clients can use the site. Fully disclosed broker sub-accounts need to be eligible and non-Canadian. Non-disclosed and Omnibus Broker sub-accounts aren't eligible. Participating hedge funds are also included.

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How do I exercise or lapse an option?

In TWS Desktop, go to Account > Option Exercise, select option(s), choose "Exercise" or "Partial" (if applicable) and transmit the instruction. You can make the request final until cutoff time in Global Configuration > Orders and Settings. In MEXEM Mobile, go to Menu > Option Exercise, select an option, choose "Exercise/Lapse", set contract number, and tap Submit. If needed, "Override and Transmit". For time-sensitive issues, call MEXEM Trade Desk. If TWS or MEXEM Mobile isn't available, create a ticket via Client Portal with "Option Exercise Request" in the subject.

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How do I establish a margin loan?

To establish a margin loan with MEXEM, you need a 'Margin' type account with at least USD 2,000 equity. Margin loans are created by purchasing securities without sufficient cash, withdrawing funds in excess of settled cash, or incurring a fee exceeding settled funds. Remember, MEXEM doesn't issue margin calls and non-compliant accounts may face forced liquidation. For more information, refer to our guide on upgrading your account to use margin.

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How do I create a market scanner in TWS?

TWS Market Scanners allow quick scans of markets, returning top contracts based on your defined instrument, parameter, and filter criteria. Access it in Classic TWS via Analytical Tools menu or in Mosaic by clicking New Window, then choose the desired Market Scanner.

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How do I create a Conditional order in TWS?

To create a Conditional order in TWS, set up the desired order, right-click on it, and select Modify, then Condition. Click Add, choose the condition type, and follow the prompts to finalize your condition. Once ready, click Transmit.

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How do I create a bracket order (OCA) for an existing position in TWS?

To create a bracket order for an existing position in TWS, add the OCA Group column via Layout settings. Then, create the orders you want to link and enter a common identifier in the OCA group field. Finally, transmit both orders.

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How do I convert EUR to USD?

To convert EUR into USD on MEXEM, sell the EUR.USD pair. You can specify your order in USD by toggling the quantity from EUR to USD in the Order Entry panel. The new quantity will reflect the equivalent USD based on the current exchange rate. Modify as needed and submit the order. For detailed instructions, refer to our Users' Guide and the guide on currency conversion at MEXEM.

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How do I close specific lots of my position?

The Tax Optimizer app helps track your various trading gains and losses for tax purposes. You can use it once a position is closed. Access it here. More details are in our Users' Guide.

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How do I close a currency balance in TWS?

To convert non-base currency balances in TWS, go to Account Window, right-click on the balance, and choose "Close Currency Balance" or "Close All Non-base Currency Balances." Use limit orders to avoid rejections. If no direct pair, use a common currency. MEXEM converts small balances upon account closure. In MEXEM Mobile, use Convert Currency feature. Note: Currency balances may not match Virtual FX Positions.

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How do I close a worthless position?

To remove a worthless security position, account holders can use the Dollar for Lot process. MEXEM will take over the position for a nominal payment of USD 1.00. In TWS, eligible positions can be closed by right-clicking and selecting "Close" or creating a Sell order. Sign the Dollar for Lot Acknowledgement and transmit the order. Execution occurs from 4am-8pm EST, Monday-Friday. For positions without "(DOLLR4LOT)", a Special Position Liquidation Agreement is required. The form can be found on our website and should be submitted through the Upload Documents tool. Attachment size should not exceed 25MB.

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How do I choose and subscribe to the right market data subscription?

To use the Market Data Assistant tool: Login to Client Portal/Account Management, go to Support > Market Data Assistant. Enter the Currency, Symbol, and Asset Type, then click Search. Evaluate the available options and choose the subscription that suits your needs. Subscribe to the chosen subscription by going to Settings > User Settings, clicking the Configure (gear) icon next to Market Data Subscriptions. On the Market Data Subscription screen, manage your subscriptions by selecting the region and platform you desire. Please note that two-factor authentication is required for subscription. For more information, refer to the Client Portal Users' Guide.

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How do I change Precautionary Settings in TWS?

In Classic TWS, go to Edit > Global Configuration to change size limit, total value limit, or percentage constraint. In Mosaic, it's under the File menu. Select 'Presets', modify precautionary settings for all products or specific ones, then click Apply and OK to save. For more details, check the TWS User's Guide.

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How do I change an orders' time in force?

To change the Time in Force for your order, click the drop-down menu and choose a new option. To set a default, go to Edit > Global Configuration > Presets > Timing, select your preference, then click Apply and OK.

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How come my market data comes up as all question marks?

If your market data shows question marks, it could be due to: 1. No subscription to real-time quotes for a product that doesn't offer free delayed data. 2. Exceeding maximum number of simultaneous quote lines. 3. Market data connectivity issue. Check your data lines with CTRL + ALT + = (or CTRL + ALT + C for non-English keyboards) and refresh your data connection with CTRL + ALT + F. If problems persist, contact MEXEM Client Services. Consider subscribing to market data via Client Portal/Account Management if necessary.

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How can portfolio symbols be alphabetically sorted?

From the Mosaic layout, click the POSITIONS field label to view the drop-down sorting selections. Select Underlying to sort positions alphabetically by underlying symbol. From the Portfolio page in Classic layout, use the right-click menu from the Positions field label to select Group By and then Underlying

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How can I tell if my market data is real-time or delayed?

If your market data is delayed, your quote line may have a yellow background or yellow tick dots next to bid/ask prices. Real-time data lacks a yellow background, and quotes are green/red. Check your subscriptions in Client Portal/Account Management under User Settings. In the Trading Platforms section, configure your Market Data Subscriptions. Select your platform and region, check your desired subscriptions, and follow prompts to complete.

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How can I search for bonds?

You can search for bonds in several ways: use the MEXEM Contract Database on our website, enter the Cusip number in a TWS watchlist, input the underlying stock symbol for a Corporate Bond in TWS, or use the Bond Scanner in TWS or Mosaic. Ensure you're subscribed to the CUSIP service. If a specific bond isn't listed, submit a web ticket with the ISIN or Cusip number. Note that you need approved Bond Trading Permissions to view Bond market data.

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How can I set up shortcuts for trading in TWS using Hotkeys?

To quickly create and transmit orders, assign actions to keys or key combinations using Hotkeys. In Global Configuration (found under the File menu in Mosaic or Edit menu in Classic TWS), select Hotkeys, choose an action, and click Create Shortcut. Record your keystroke in the Keyboard area. The hotkey works in specific contexts or windows. For a complete guide, refer to the Hotkeys page in the TWS Users' Guide.

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How can I see data outside regular hours in a chart in TWS?

In order to view data on a chart outside of regular trading hours, you must check the requisite option in Chart Parameters. In the chart, click the Edit menu option followed by Chart Parameters...

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How can I see pre-market real-time market data?

To view pre-market real-time data, you need live market data subscriptions for NYSE, NYSE American, BATS, ARCA, IEX, Regional Exchanges, and NASDAQ. Refer to our guide on how to subscribe to market data from Client Portal.

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How can I query all orders and trades for my account in TWS?

Use the Audit Trail feature in Trader Workstation for a record of all orders and trades. In Classic TWS, select Audit Trail under the Account menu. Choose the day and view format (condensed or expanded). Click OK to view the Audit Trail in a browser window. Daily audit files, named by weekdays, are overwritten weekly, but you can rename them to save. More details are in our Users' Guide.

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How can I roll an option in TWS?

In TWS Latest 970 or newer, use the Roll Builder tool to roll an option to the next expiry. Right-click the desired position in the Portfolio section and click 'Roll'. In the Roll Builder, your current position is shown at the top. Select your new contract from the option chains above. The current position is highlighted and the new one is marked by an empty circle. The roll is displayed under the 'Open' section. We pre-select the buy/sell action to match your original position. Verify order details before submitting. More info is in our Users' Guide.

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How can I roll an option in MEXEM Mobile?

The Rollover Options tool isn't available in MEXEM Mobile. To roll an option, click 'Order Ticket', input the symbol, and tap 'Option Chain & Combo Builder'. Activate the 'Strategy Builder' and select your portfolio option to add a sell/buy leg. Find your new option and add a sell/buy leg. Click the order button, configure order fields, and submit when ready. Further details are in the MEXEM Mobile Users' Guides.

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How can I monitor my account values and margin requirements in TWS?

You can monitor your margin values in real time via the TWS Account Window under Margin Requirements and Available for Trading sections. For order impact on margin, use the Check Margin Impact feature in the Mosaic Order Entry panel or Classic TWS. This lets you see how an order would affect your margin requirements.

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How can I get a real time chart in TWS?

To view real-time quotes in a chart, subscribe to a real-time data package via Client Portal/Account Management. If charting a Stock (SMART) ticker, subscribe to data for all markets listing the product. If not, create a Stock (Directed) quote line for a subscribed market, and open a chart from there. Refer to our guides for additional information.

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How can I convert currency at MEXEM?

To convert currency at MEXEM, use our trading platforms. For instructions, visit pages on converting currency in TWS, IBKR Mobile, WebTrader, or Client Portal. For more details, refer to guides on closing accounts and finding currency pairs.

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How can I determine the number of available Day Trades?

You may refer to the "Day Trades Left (T, T+1, T+4)" counter on the Available for Trading section of your Account Window within TWS to determine when you will be able to open a new position again....

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How can I create an Adaptive Algo order in TWS?

The Adaptive Algo can be used with a limit or market order, and is designed to achieve better than average cost efficiency over basic limit and market orders by attempting to trade market and aggressive limit orders between the spread. You can specify how urgently you want the order to fill using the "priority/urgency" selector in the algo window...

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